Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Let's Talk About Feelings.

Hari ni hari selasa. Pagi2 tadi hujan alhamdulillah, lena tidur. Di hari yang mulia ini, jom kita buka cerita sedih.

Laa, itu ke motif dia?

So macam ni, last Saturday, 2 ahli keluarga B6 dah pergi. Jauh. Beribu kilometer jauh dari Malaysia.

They went to Indonesia. Further study under twinning program Medic UKM-UNPAD, tajaan MARA. Alah, macam Fatin Liyana tu ler.

Kepoyoan Latip.

This is my Abang Long in B6. Abang Long, as in the eldest. Nak cakap paling taiko tu aku dengan Anwar lagi taiko kot. Kembar Disember memang jiwa ganas haha. Nama dia Abdul Latif Noor bin Amiruddin. Entah betul ke idok entah nama panjang dia aku tulis ni. Tapi kitorang panggil dia Latip or Papa Tipp. Jangan tanya aku kenapa 'Papa', aku sendiri tak tergamak nak guna perkataan tu, tapi the guys selalu lah guna.

Describe Latip in one word: POYO. Fullstop. Hahaha. Masa our life and times in asasi dulu, Latip ni selalu insist yang dia ni pemalu and a diligent person sebenarnya, but the other guys in B6 selalu kasi bad influence dekat dia. Tapi bila kantoi semuanya, baru tahu semua tu sebenarnya lakonan semata. Dia lah sebenarnya mastermind segala.

Haaa Latip, dekat sana nanti jangan poyo sangat. Kat B6 ni kami baik baik, kalau kau buat kat sana silap haribulan kena humban tingkap masa tidur, siapa tahu kan?

By the way, dalam poyo poyo dia ni, dia pandai. Especially chemistry. Tapi tang tu pun poyo juga. Tiap kali tanya results je mesti dia cakap dia fail lah, kena repeat paper lah apa semua. Ohh annoying. Sampai at one pont rasa emmm suka hati lu ah Latip, malas nak tanya dah. Jangan buat camni kat sana juga Latip.

Me with Le guys of B6. Camne boleh kebetulan baju sama? Camne camne?

Jihah yang normal.

This is Nur Najihah binti Mohd Shaiful Bahri, my soulmate. Not soulmate like I lapp you, you lapp me. I'm straight okay! We're soulmates, like, linked heart-to-heart gitu. I'm sad when she's sad, and I'm happy when she's happy. She's there to listen when I'm sad, and sanggup cover up for me when I cry dalam lecture hall hahaha. We're both anak tunggal, both ada blog, both kasar macam jantan, both dapat results sama, both dapat interview sekali. Yup, somehow we can't run away from each other even though we wanted to.

Jihah yang gila. Dengan aku sekali gila sama.

But now she's off to Bandung. At least dulu ada chance juga nak jumpa kat kampus induk UKM Bangi tu. *Background: Duhai kekasihkuuuuuu~ Cintaku tertinggal di Malaysiaaaa~*

Anyway I'm super duper happy for them. I even sent them off at LCCT the other day. Syukur sangat dapat jumpa my family before diorang pergi menuntut ilmu di negara orang. I couldn't do much except give words of encouragement and tell them how happy I am for them.

Motif gambar ini ialah this is one of those very very rare moments where Latip, Jihah and I were together in one picture. Awkward haha.

Gambar kat LCCT the other day amik from instagram. Entah apa rupa. Latip pakai baju MDS hahaha.

I'll be missing both of you for 3 years. B6 will be missing you for 3 years. Lulz cerita 3 tahun macam tak balik Malaysia je kan?

B6, jom buat reunion dekat Bandung? Start kumpul duit dari sekarang hahaha.

Latip & Jihah, Good luck. Moga kita sama-sama berjaya nanti. You guys, me and B6. All of us. Do take care of yourselves & each other kat sana. Walaupun Latip tu poyo & Jihah tu gila, we're still a family :)

I miss them. I miss B6. :')



1 comment:

cikghah said...


Aku baru tahu pasal entry ni. Ya allah. I miss you like crazy here. Please datang laa bandung and I'll be the one yg akan jerit gila weh.

Take care tau kat ukm tu. Dont cry lagi. Hehehe. Always miss u and love u. Mmuaaaah mmmuah!!! Xoxo